Unwind the Psoas
with Monica Rottmann
Friday 30 August
6.30pm -9pm
Discover the key to relaxation and experience the deep calm that results from a supple psoas muscle.
Aggressive stretching only aggravates our psoas and makes us more stressed and anxious.
This workshop focuses exclusively on unwinding the muscle that connects the spine to the legs.
When we unwind the psoas, we activate the parasympathetic nervous system and experience deep relaxation.
Learn how to use your psoas and your breath to alleviate stress, tension and anxiety.
This workshop is suitable for beginners and yoga teachers keen to discover the secrets of the psoas.
$150 full price
$37.50 for VIP Annual Members
You will receive a full refund if you provide 72hrs notice of cancellation.
If less than 72hrs notice is provided, you will receive a credit to a future workshop ONLY if we can fill your place.